
Section 1533.71 - License to raise or keep game birds and animals.

Ohio Rev Code § 1533.71 (2019) (N/A)
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(A) Unless otherwise provided in this section or by division rule, any person desiring to engage in the business of raising and selling game birds, game quadrupeds, reptiles, amphibians, or fur-bearing animals in a wholly enclosed preserve of which the person is the owner or lessee, or to have game birds, game quadrupeds, reptiles, amphibians, or fur-bearing animals in captivity, shall submit an application to the division of wildlife for a license to do so. This section does not apply to a person who possesses wild animals under the authority of a license for a wild animal hunting preserve or a commercial bird shooting preserve.

The division, when it appears that the application is made in good faith and the applicant is in compliance with division (B) of this section, if applicable, and upon the payment of the fee for each license, may issue to the applicant any of the following licenses that may be applied for:

(1) "Commercial propagating license" permitting the licensee to propagate game birds, game quadrupeds except captive white-tailed deer, reptiles, amphibians, or fur-bearing animals in the wholly enclosed preserve the location of which is stated in the license and the application therefor, and to sell the propagated game birds, game quadrupeds except captive white-tailed deer, reptiles, amphibians, or fur-bearing animals and ship them from the state alive at any time, and permitting the licensee and the licensee's employees to kill the propagated game birds, game quadrupeds except captive white-tailed deer, or fur-bearing animals and sell the carcasses for food subject to sections 1533.71 to 1533.79 of the Revised Code. The fee for such a license is forty dollars per annum.

(2) "Noncommercial propagating license" permitting the licensee to propagate game birds, game quadrupeds except captive white-tailed deer, reptiles, amphibians, or fur-bearing animals and to hold the animals in captivity. Game birds, game quadrupeds except captive white-tailed deer, reptiles, amphibians, and fur-bearing animals propagated or held in captivity by authority of a noncommercial propagating license are for the licensee's own use and shall not be sold. The fee for such a license is twenty-five dollars per annum.

(3) "Captive white-tailed deer propagation license" permitting the licensee to propagate captive white-tailed deer, hold the animals in captivity, and sell the animals and carcasses. The fee for such a license is forty dollars. The license is valid until a licensee ceases to hold captive white-tailed deer or the license is revoked, whichever occurs earlier.


(1) A person who wishes to obtain a captive white-tailed deer propagation license, prior to applying for the license, shall construct an authorized enclosure that is surrounded by a fence that is eight feet in height with a minimal deviation not to exceed four per cent, is constructed in a manner that prevents ingress and egress of deer, and is constructed of materials that are approved by the chief of the division of wildlife in consultation with the animal and plant health inspection service in the United States department of agriculture, the department of agriculture, and representatives of the cervid industry in this state.

(2) After constructing an authorized enclosure in accordance with division (B)(1) of this section and division rules, the person may submit an application for a captive white-tailed deer propagation license.

(3) Not later than thirty days after the submission of the application, a representative from the division shall inspect the authorized enclosure to ensure compliance with division (B)(1) of this section and division rules. If the applicant's authorized enclosure is not in compliance with all of the applicable requirements, the representative shall inform the applicant in writing of the deficiencies not later than ten business days after the inspection. If the applicant corrects the deficiencies, the applicant shall request a reinspection. The reinspection shall be conducted in accordance with this division not later than thirty days after the request for reinspection.

If the applicant's authorized enclosure complies with all of the applicable requirements, the chief shall review the application and shall issue or deny the license. If the chief denies the license, the chief shall return the application to the applicant with an explanation of the reasons for denial. The applicant may correct the deficiencies in the application and submit a revised application. If the applicant corrects the deficiencies, the chief shall issue the license as provided in this section.

(4) Upon receipt of a captive white-tailed deer propagation license, receipt of a license under section 943.03 or 943.031 of the Revised Code, and a demonstration to the chief or the chief's designee that each captive white-tailed deer held by the licensee was legally acquired, the licensee may place all of the licensee's deer in the authorized enclosure. The licensee thereafter shall comply with this chapter and Chapter 1531. of the Revised Code, division rules, sections 943.20 to 943.26 of the Revised Code, and rules adopted under section 943.24 of the Revised Code.

(C) The division may inspect a facility to which a captive white-tailed deer propagation license has been issued only at reasonable times and when the inspection is in connection with a criminal investigation.

(D) The chief, with the approval of the director of agriculture, may suspend or revoke a captive white-tailed deer propagation license issued to a person who also has been issued a valid license under section 943.03 or 943.031 of the Revised Code for the same facility if the person fails to comply with this chapter and Chapter 1531. of the Revised Code, division rules, sections 943.20 to 943.26 of the Revised Code, and rules adopted under section 943.24 of the Revised Code.

(E) Except as provided by law, no person shall possess game birds, game quadrupeds, or fur-bearing animals in closed season, provided that municipal or governmental zoological parks are not required to obtain the licenses provided for in this section.

(F) Except for a captive white-tailed deer propagation license, all licenses issued under this section shall expire on the fifteenth day of March of each year.

(G) The chief shall pay all moneys received as fees for the issuance of licenses under this section into the state treasury to the credit of the fund created by section 1533.15 of the Revised Code for the use of the division in the purchase, preservation, and protection of wild animals and for the necessary clerical help and forms required by sections 1533.71 to 1533.79 of the Revised Code.

(H) This section does not authorize the taking or the release for taking of the following:

(1) Game birds, without first obtaining a commercial bird shooting preserve license issued under section 1533.72 of the Revised Code;

(2) Game or nonnative wildlife, without first obtaining a wild animal hunting preserve license issued under section 1533.721 of the Revised Code.

(I) A license shall not be issued under this section to raise or sell a dangerous wild animal or restricted snake as defined in section 935.01 of the Revised Code.

Amended by 129th General AssemblyFile No.113, SB 310, §1, eff. 9/5/2012.

Amended by 129th General AssemblyFile No.89, HB 389, §1, eff. 6/29/2012.

Effective Date: 09-26-2003 .