With respect to the award of any contract for the construction, reconstruction, improvement, enlargement, alteration, repair, painting or decoration of a public improvement, including any highway improvement, made by the state or in whole or in part supported by the state, except for a contract for products produced or mined in Ohio or for a contract financed in whole or in part by contributions or loans from any agency of the United States government, preference shall be given to contractors having their principal place of business in Ohio over contractors having their principal place of business in a state which provides a preference in that state in favor of contractors of that state for the same type of work. Where a preference is provided by another state for contractors of that state, contractors having their principal place of business in Ohio are to be granted in Ohio the same preference over them in the same manner and on the same basis and to the same extent as the preference is granted in letting contracts for the same type of work by the other state. If one party to a joint venture is a contractor having its principal place of business in Ohio, the joint venture shall be considered as having its principal place of business in Ohio.
Effective Date: 10-10-1983.