Chapter 54-24 State Library Commission

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54-24-01. State library - State librarian appointed by the superintendent of public The superintendent of public instruction shall appoint an executive officer to be known as the state librarian, who shall report to the superintendent and must receive a salary within the amount appropriated for salaries by the legislative assembly. The state librarian shall control the work and is the director of the state library. The position of state librarian is included in the classified service, as provided in section 54-44.3-20. The state library is an autonomous agency and retains a budget and staff separate from that of the superintendent of public instruction

54-24-02. Library offices

The state library must be furnished with adequate office room, with such suitable quarters as may be necessary for the proper shelving of its library materials

54-24-03. Powers and duties of state librarian

The state librarian shall: 1. Make rules for the operation of the state library


Provide and care for all books and library materials in all collections of the state library and work to focus the collections

Employ qualified library personnel to care for all library procedures


4. Make library materials available to libraries throughout the state, to individuals connected with departments of state, and to citizens of North Dakota who do not have adequate library facilities, under the rules of the state library

5. Work to improve library services to citizens by providing assistance to librarians and library trustees and staff and by encouraging the extension of networking and regional and statewide cooperation among libraries

6. Coordinate the efforts of librarianship throughout the state, advising and assisting the extension of qualified public libraries into centers of county or multicounty libraries

7. Compile statistics on all North Dakota public libraries and their services and their larger counterparts of county and multicounty libraries, regional library cooperatives, and multitype library authorities. Make a full biennial report to the superintendent of public instruction and the governor of the work done at the state library. The state librarian may not require a private sector library to submit information relating to the provisions of this subsection

8. Collect, maintain, and make available informational materials that supplement and support the needs of all libraries in the state, either by direct loan or by consultation, and that form a reference source for the officers of the state in performing their duties

Assist libraries in developing local standards and guidelines defining the basic level of service that they will provide


10. Conduct, or have conducted, research into the conditions of library service in the state 11



and produce written plans for the development and betterment of that service

Promote and assist in the development of regional library cooperatives, including multitype library authorities

Establish levels of certification for libraries of the state that meet the standards recommended by the American library association and the North Dakota library association

Promote and assist libraries in this state in developing and maintaining a computerized, comprehensive, bibliographic statewide database for storing bibliographic records of libraries which allows residents unmediated, seamless, direct access to library catalogs with a common interface and a common set of commands and the ability to search the library collections of the entire state at one time or only the collections of the local library, regional libraries, or select group of libraries

14. Coordinate interlibrary loan activities throughout this state

Page No. 1 Arrange for continuing education and training programs for library personnel

Provide technical assistance and counsel to library personnel



17. Distribute grants to libraries within the limits of legislative appropriations for the purpose of developing or improving library services or programs

Provide staff services to the North Dakota library coordinating council


54-24-03.1. Acceptance of federal aid

The state library is hereby authorized to accept and to expend in accordance with the terms thereof any grant of federal funds which may become available to the state for library purposes. For the purpose of qualifying to receive such grants, the state library is authorized to make such applications and reports as may be required by the federal government as a condition thereto

54-24-03.2. State library operating fund

The state library's operating fund is a special fund in the state treasury. All moneys received for book replacement, cataloging services, and other miscellaneous library services must be deposited in this fund. Moneys in the fund are to be used pursuant to legislative appropriation for provision of services under this chapter

54-24-04. Who may borrow books from state library

Repealed by S.L. 1965, ch. 352, ยง 10

54-24-05. Commission to give advice and aid

Repealed by S.L. 1965, ch. 352, ยง 10

54-24-06. Records kept by commission - Report to the governor and secretary of state

Repealed by S.L. 1965, ch. 352, ยง 10

54-24-07. Printing of state library - How paid

Repealed by S.L. 1997, ch. 453, ยง 20

54-24-08. Library contracts for library services

The state library is hereby authorized and empowered to cooperate with, and to contract with, cities, governmental subdivisions, and agencies of the state of North Dakota and other states of the United States, in the extension of library services

54-24-09. Distribution of certain state publications for certain libraries required

The office of management and budget shall arrange to deposit with the state library eight copies of all publications issued by all executive, legislative, and judicial agencies of state government intended for general public distribution. These publications must be provided to the state library without charge. If expense and limited supply of state publications, particularly audiovisual items, make compliance with the depository requirement impossible, the state library shall accept as many copies as an agency can afford to provide. However, each agency shall provide no less than two copies to the state library. State publications refer to any informational materials regardless of format, method of reproduction, or source, originating in or produced with the imprint of, by the authority of, or at the total or partial expense of, any state agency. The definition incorporates those publications that may or may not be financed by state funds but are released by private bodies such as research and consultant firms under contract with or supervision of any state agency. In circumstances not directly involving the office of management and budget, a state agency shall comply with the depository requirement by arranging with the necessary parties for the printing and deposit of eight copies of any state publication issued. State publications are specifically defined as public documents appearing as reports, directories, statistical compendiums, bibliographies, laws or bills, rules, regulations, newsletters, bulletins, state plans, brochures, periodicals, committee minutes, transcripts of public hearings, other printed matter, audiotapes, videotapes, films, filmstrips, or slides, but not Page No. 2 those administrative or training materials used only within the issuing agency. As the document acquisition and distribution agency, the state library shall retain for its document collection two copies of every state document received and transmit the remaining copies to the depository libraries. These are the libraries of the state historical society, the university of North Dakota, North Dakota state university, library of Congress, and two others to be designated by the state library. All nondepository North Dakota libraries may receive state documents under an optional selection program developed by the state library. The state library shall catalog state publications and arrange for their conversion to microfilm or to optical disk storage prescribed by the state records administrator and shall make available for distribution the same to the designated depository libraries

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