PRINTING OF EXECUTIVE AND LEGISLATIVE MATTER CHAPTER 46-03 46-03-01. Governor's messages - How printed
All regular messages from the governor and all inaugural messages of the governor-elect must be printed in pamphlet form
46-03-02. Executive and public documents and reports - How printed
Repealed by S.L. 1963, ch. 346, § 73
46-03-03. Reports of state officers - Number printed
Repealed by S.L. 1951, ch. 275, § 17
46-03-04. Blue books - Printing - Distribution
Repealed by omission from this code
46-03-05. Bills, resolutions, and journals - Printing
The printing or reproduction of legislative bills, resolutions, and journals must be in accordance with the rules of the senate and house of representatives of the state of North Dakota
46-03-06. Calendar of bills and resolutions - Contents - Synopsis - Edited by clerk - Copies furnished on request
Repealed by S.L. 1973, ch. 369, § 1
46-03-07. Legislative journals - How printed - Filed with secretary of state
Repealed by S.L. 1959, ch. 327, § 7
46-03-08. Journals - How printed
Repealed by S.L. 1959, ch. 327, § 7
46-03-09. Journals and laws - Number printed
Repealed by S.L. 1951, ch. 275, § 17
46-03-10. Arranging and correcting laws
In arranging the laws, memorials, and resolutions for publication, the legislative council shall make such corrections in orthography, grammatical construction, and punctuation of the same as in its judgment are proper. When any law published in the code contains a reference to customary weights and measures, the equivalent weights and measures of the metric system must be added to the law as an insertion. When any such words or clauses are inserted, the same must be enclosed in brackets. In arranging the laws for publication and in publishing and maintaining the laws, the legislative council may change statutory references to numbers and letters to correct references to redesignated or repealed chapters, sections, or portions of sections and change statutory references to institutions, agencies, offices, and officers to be consistent with other statutory usage and constitutional provisions
46-03-11. Publication of session laws and pocket supplements
The secretary of state and the legislative council shall correct ministerial or clerical errors and supervise the publication of the session laws and pocket part supplements to this code in a manner and form prescribed by the legislative council, correlating each year's laws with this code
46-03-11.1. Publication of Constitution of North Dakota - Numbering and arrangement
Page No. 1 The Constitution of North Dakota must be published in a format that will correlate and integrate all constitutional provisions in a numbering arrangement that avoids ambiguity and duplication and that aids in placing constitutional amendments into the constitution. The Constitution of North Dakota, as presently numbered and arranged, must be republished in this new format by the legislative council. The publication of the constitution under the format authorized by this section must be accomplished when the code volume containing the constitution is replaced
46-03-11.2. Publication of the century code
The legislative council may establish specifications for publication of this code and contract with a publisher with respect to editorial, information processing, and publication services. The legislative council may continue any agreement with the publisher and may contract for continuing editorial work and publication services to assure continuity in editorial preparation, printing, and binding of supplements and replacement volumes of the code as long as the council deems it to the advantage and best interests of the state. Chapters 46-01 and 46-02 do not apply to any contract under this section
46-03-12. Popular edition of session laws - How printed - Classification
Repealed by S.L. 1951, ch. 275, § 17
46-03-13. Authentication of popular edition of session laws - Date of distribution
Repealed by S.L. 1951, ch. 275, § 17
46-03-14. Official and authenticated edition of session laws - How printed - Classification
Repealed by S.L. 1951, ch. 275, § 17
46-03-15. Authentication of session laws
All laws contained in the session laws must be printed or published with the word "approved" and the date of approval and with the word "filed" and the date of filing. In each authenticated volume of the session laws there must be a general certificate made by the secretary of state and the legislative council to the effect that all laws, memorials, and resolutions contained therein are correct copies of the originals in the office of the secretary of state
46-03-16. Style and binding of executive reports
Repealed by S.L. 1951, ch. 275, § 17
46-03-17. Authority to increase number of session laws, journals, and other material printed vested in state publication and printing commission
Repealed by S.L. 1951, ch. 275, § 17
46-03-18. Copies of journals and legislative documents to be furnished printer
The secretary of the senate and the chief clerk of the house shall furnish journal copy for their respective houses and copies of legislative documents to the contract printer of the legislative documents or daily journals. No contractor is accountable under section 46-02-10 for any delay occasioned by the failure to furnish such copy on a timely basis
46-03-19. When documents officially printed - Faith and credit given
All laws, journals, and documents printed and published by any contractor under this title, and duly certified by the secretary of state and the legislative council as provided in section 46-03-15 or rules of the senate and house of representatives, are deemed officially to be printed and published, and full faith and credit must be given to them as such
Page No. 2 46-03-20. Omitted statutes not repealed
Any statute "Omitted" from this code accompanied by a note stating the statute was "Omitted as a statute not of a general and permanent nature" or a note stating the statute was "Not repealed but omitted as a statute not of a general and permanent nature" may not be construed as repealed by virtue of its omission from this code
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