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U.S. State Codes
Chapter 47 - Probate and Re...
Article 4 - Curative Statutes; Acknowledgments;...
Article 4 - Curative Statutes; Acknowledgments; Probates; Registration.
§ 47-47 - Defective order of registration; "same" for "this instrument".
§ 47-48 - Clerks' and registers of deeds' certificate failing to pass on all prior certificates.
§ 47-49 - Defective certification or adjudication of clerk, etc., admitting to registration.
§ 47-50 - Order of registration omitted.
§ 47-50.1 - Register's certificate omitted.
§ 47-51 - Official deeds omitting seals.
§ 47-52 - Defective acknowledgment on old deeds validated.
§ 47-53 - Probates omitting official seals, etc.
§ 47-53.1 - Acknowledgment omitting seal of clerk or notary public.
§ 47-54 - Registration by register's deputies or clerks.
§ 47-54.1 - Registration by register's assistants or deputies.
§ 47-55 - Before officer in wrong capacity or out of jurisdiction.
§ 47-56 - Before justices of peace, where clerk's certificate or order of registration defective.
§ 47-57 - Probates on proof of handwriting of maker refusing to acknowledge.
§ 47-58 - Before judges of Supreme Court or superior courts or clerks before 1889.
§ 47-59 - Before clerks of inferior courts.
§ 47-60 - Order of registration by judge, where clerk party.
§ 47-61 - Order of registration by interested clerk.
§ 47-62 - Probates before interested notaries.
§ 47-63 - Probates before officer of interested corporation.
§ 47-64 - Probates before officers, stockholders or directors of corporations.
§ 47-65 - Clerk's deeds, where clerk appointed himself to sell.
§ 47-66 - Certificate of wife's "previous" examination.
§ 47-67 - Probates of husband and wife in wrong order.
§ 47-68 - Probates of husband and wife before different officers.
§ 47-69 - Wife free trader; no examination or husband's assent.
§ 47-70 - By president and attested by treasurer under corporate seal.
§ 47-71 - By president and attested by witness before January, 1900.
§ 47-71.1 - Corporate seal omitted prior to January 1, 2000.
§ 47-72 - Corporate name not affixed, but signed otherwise prior to April 1, 2013.
§ 47-73 - Probated and registered on oath of subscribing witness.
§ 47-74 - Certificate alleging examination of grantor instead of witness.
§ 47-75 - Proof of corporate articles before officer authorized to probate.
§ 47-76 - Before officials of wrong state.
§ 47-77 - Before notaries and clerks in other states.
§ 47-78 - Acknowledgment by resident taken out-of-state.
§ 47-79 - Before deputy clerks of courts of other states.
§ 47-80 - Sister state probates without Governor's authentication.
§ 47-81 - Before commissioners of deeds.
§ 47-81.1 - Before commissioner of oaths.
§ 47-81.2 - Before United States Army, etc., officers, and other service members.
§ 47-82 - Foreign probates omitting seals.
§ 47-83 - Before consuls general.
§ 47-84 - Before vice-consuls and vice-consuls general.
§ 47-85 - Before masters in chancery.
§ 47-85.1 - Further as to acknowledgments, etc., before masters in chancery.
§ 47-86 - Validation of probate of deeds by clerks of courts of record of other states, where official seal is omitted.
§ 47-87 - Validation of probates by different officers of deeds by wife and husband.
§ 47-88 - Registration without formal order validated.
§ 47-89 - Same subject.
§ 47-90 - Validation of acknowledgments taken by notaries public holding other office.
§ 47-91 - Validation of certain probates of deeds before consular agents of the United States.
§ 47-92 - Probates before stockholders and directors of banks.
§ 47-93 - Acknowledgments taken by stockholder, officer, or director of bank.
§ 47-94 - Acknowledgment and registration by officer or stockholder in building and loan or savings and loan association.
§ 47-95 - Acknowledgments taken by notaries interested as trustee or holding other office.
§ 47-96 - Validation of instruments registered without probate.
§ 47-97 - Validation of corporate deed with mistake as to officer's name.
§ 47-97.1 - Validation of corporate deeds containing error in acknowledgment or probate.
§ 47-98 - Registration on defective probates beyond State.
§ 47-99 - Certificates of clerks without seal.
§ 47-100 - Acknowledgments taken by officer who was grantor.
§ 47-101 - Seal of acknowledging officer omitted; deeds made presumptive evidence.
§ 47-102 - Absence of notarial seal.
§ 47-103 - Deeds probated and registered with notary's seal not affixed, validated.
§ 47-104 - Acknowledgments of notary holding another office.
§ 47-105 - Acknowledgment and private examination of married woman taken by officer who was grantor.
§ 47-106 - Certain instruments in which clerk of superior court was a party, validated.
§ 47-107 - Validation of probate and registration of certain instruments where name of grantor omitted from record.
§ 47-108 - Acknowledgments before notaries under age.
§ 47-108.1 - Certain corporate deeds, etc., declared validly admitted to record.
§ 47-108.2 - Acknowledgments and examinations before notaries holding some other office.
§ 47-108.3 - Validation of acts of certain notaries public prior to November 26, 1921.
§ 47-108.4 - Acknowledgments, etc., of instruments of married women made since February 7, 1945.
§ 47-108.5 - Validation of certain deeds executed in other states where seal omitted.
§ 47-108.6 - Validation of certain conveyances of foreign dissolved corporations.
§ 47-108.7 - Validation of acknowledgments, etc., by deputy clerks of superior court.
§ 47-108.8 - Acts of registers of deeds or deputies in recording plats and maps by certain methods validated.
§ 47-108.9 - Validation of probate of instruments pursuant to § 47-12.
§ 47-108.10 - Validation of registration of plats upon probate in accordance with § 47-30.
§ 47-108.11 - Validation of recorded instruments where seals have been omitted.
§ 47-108.12 - Validation of instruments acknowledged before United States commissioners.
§ 47-108.13 - Validation of certain instruments registered prior to January 1, 1934.
§ 47-108.14 - Conveyances by the United States acting by and through the General Services Administration.
§ 47-108.15 - Validation of registration of instruments filed before order of registration.
§ 47-108.16 - Validation of certain deeds executed by nonresident banks.
§ 47-108.17 - Validation of certain deeds where official capacity not designated.
§ 47-108.18 - Registration of certain instruments containing a notarial jurat validated.
§ 47-108.18A - Registration of certain instruments containing a notarial acknowledgment.
§ 47-108.18B - Registration of certain instruments containing a notarial jurat.
§ 47-108.19 - Validation of certain maps and plats that cannot be copied.
§ 47-108.20 - Validation of certain recorded instruments that were not acknowledged.
§ 47-108.21 - Sales for 1930 on dates other than first Monday in June validated.
§ 47-108.22 - Tax sales for 1931-32 on day other than law provides and certificates validated.
§ 47-108.23 - Tax sales for 1933-34 and certificates validated.
§ 47-108.24 - Notices of sale for taxes by publication validated.
§ 47-108.25 - Validation of sales and resales held pursuant to § 105-374.
§ 47-108.26 - Validation of reconveyances of tax foreclosed property by county boards of commissioners.
§ 47-108.27 - Title to real property affected by boundary certification; liens.
§ 47-108.28 - Seven-year curative statute.
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