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U.S. State Codes
Chapter 143B - Executive Or...
Article 3 - Department of Health and Human Serv...
Article 3 - Department of Health and Human Services.
§ 143B-136.1 - Department of Health and Human Services - creation.
§ 143B-137.1 - Department of Health and Human Services - duties.
§ 143B-138.1 - Department of Health and Human Services - functions and organization.
§ 143B-139 - Department of Health and Human Services - head.
§ 143B-139.1 - Secretary of Health and Human Services to adopt rules applicable to local health and human services agencies.
§ 143B-139.2 - Secretary of Health and Human Services requests for grants-in-aid from non-State agencies.
§ 143B-139.3 - Department of Health and Human Services - authority to contract with other entities.
§ 143B-139.4 - Department of Health and Human Services; authority to assist private nonprofit organizations.
§ 143B-139.4A - Office of Rural Health to work with organizations for expansion of mental health and substance abuse services.
§ 143B-139.4B - Office of Rural Health to oversee and monitor establishment and administration of statewide telepsychiatry program.
§ 143B-139.4C - Office of Rural Health; administration of loan repayment programs.
§ 143B-139.4D - Department of Health and Human Services; coordination of health information technology.
§ 143B-139.5 - Department of Health and Human Services; adult care State/county share of costs for State-County Special Assistance programs.
§ 143B-139.5A - Collaboration between Division of Social Services and Commission of Indian Affairs on Indian Child Welfare Issues.
§ 143B-139.5B - Department of Health and Human Services - provision for joint training.
§ 143B-139.5C - Internet data warehouse for provider records; annual review of accrediting body policies to avoid duplication.
§ 143B-139.6 - Confidentiality of records.
§ 143B-139.6A - Secretary's responsibilities regarding availability of early intervention services.
§ 143B-139.6B - Department of Health and Human Services; authority to deduct payroll for child care services.
§ 143B-139.6C - Cooling-off period for certain Department employees.
§ 143B-139.7 - Consolidated county human services funding.
§ 143B-142 through 143B-146 - through 143B-146: Recodified as §§ 130A-29 through 130A-33 by Session Laws 1989, c. 727, s. 175.
§ 143B-146.1 - Mission of schools; definitions.
§ 143B-146.2 - School-Based Management and Accountability Program in residential schools.
§ 143B-146.3 - Annual performance goals.
§ 143B-146.5 - Identification of low-performing schools.
§ 143B-146.6 - Assistance teams; review by State Board.
§ 143B-146.7 - Consequences for personnel at low-performing schools.
§ 143B-146.8 - Evaluation of licensed personnel and principals; action plans; State Board notification.
§ 143B-146.9 - Assessment teams.
§ 143B-146.10 - Development of performance standards and criteria for certificated personnel.
§ 143B-146.11 - School calendar.
§ 143B-146.13 - School technology plan.
§ 143B-146.14 - Dispute resolution; appeals to Secretary.
§ 143B-146.15 - Duty to report certain acts to law enforcement.
§ 143B-146.16 - Residential school personnel criminal history checks.
§ 143B-146.21 - Policies, reports, and other miscellaneous provisions.
§ 143B-147 - Commission for Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services creation, powers and duties.
§ 143B-148 - Commission for Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services - members; selection; quorum; compensation.
§ 143B-149 - Commission for Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services - officers.
§ 143B-150 - Commission for Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services - regular and special meetings.
§ 143B-150.1 - Use of funds for North Carolina Child Treatment Program.
§ 143B-150.5 - Family Preservation Services Program established; purpose.
§ 143B-150.6 - Program services; eligibility; grants for local projects; fund transfers.
§ 143B-150.20 - State Child Fatality Review Team; establishment; purpose; powers; duties; report by Division of Social Services.
§ 143B-152.10 - Family Resource Center Grant Program; creation; purpose; intent.
§ 143B-152.11 - Administration of program.
§ 143B-152.12 - Eligible applicants: applications for grants.
§ 143B-152.13 - Grants review and selection.
§ 143B-152.14 - Cooperation of State and local agencies.
§ 143B-152.15 - Program evaluation; reporting requirements.
§ 143B-153 - Social Services Commission creation, powers and duties.
§ 143B-154 - Social Services Commission - members; selection; quorum; compensation.
§ 143B-155 - Social Services Commission - regular and special meetings.
§ 143B-156 - Social Services Commission - officers.
§ 143B-157 - Commission for the Blind creation, powers and duties.
§ 143B-158 - Commission for the Blind.
§ 143B-159 - Commission for the Blind - regular and special meetings.
§ 143B-160 - Commission for the Blind - officers.
§ 143B-163 - Consumer and Advocacy Advisory Committee for the Blind - creation, powers and duties.
§ 143B-164 - Consumer and Advocacy Advisory Committee for the Blind - members; selection; quorum; compensation.
§ 143B-165 - North Carolina Medical Care Commission - creation, powers and duties.
§ 143B-166 - North Carolina Medical Care Commission - members; selection; quorum; compensation.
§ 143B-167 - North Carolina Medical Care Commission - regular and special meetings.
§ 143B-168 - North Carolina Medical Care Commission - officers.
§ 143B-168.3 - Child Care Commission - powers and duties.
§ 143B-168.4 - Child Care Commission ¦ members; selection; quorum.
§ 143B-168.5 - Child Care special unit.
§ 143B-168.10 - Early childhood initiatives; findings.
§ 143B-168.10A - NC Pre-K Reports.
§ 143B-168.10C - Adjustments to NC Prekindergarten Program Funds.
§ 143B-168.11 - Early childhood initiatives; purpose; definitions.
§ 143B-168.12 - North Carolina Partnership for Children, Inc.; conditions.
§ 143B-168.13 - Implementation of program; duties of Department and Secretary.
§ 143B-168.14 - Local partnerships; conditions.
§ 143B-168.15 - Use of State funds.
§ 143B-168.16 - Home-centered services; consent.
§ 143B-168.25 - Child care funds matching requirements.
§ 143B-168.26 - Child care revolving loan.
§ 143B-168.27 - Administrative allowance for county departments of social services; use of subsidy funds for fraud detection.
§ 143B-176.1 through 143B-176.2 - through 143B-176.2: Recodified as §§ 143B-164.11 and 143B-164.12 by Session Laws 1997-18, ss. 13(b) and (c).
§ 143B-177 - Council on Developmental Disabilities - creation, powers and duties.
§ 143B-178 - Council on Developmental Disabilities - definitions.
§ 143B-179 - Council on Developmental Disabilities members; selection; quorum; compensation.
§ 143B-179.5 - Interagency Coordinating Council for Children from Birth to Five with Disabilities and Their Families; establishment, composition, organization; duties, compensation, reporting.
§ 143B-179.6 - Interagency Coordinating Council for Children with Disabilities from Birth to Five Years of Age; agency cooperation.
§ 143B-180 - Governor's Advisory Council on Aging - creation, powers and duties.
§ 143B-181 - Governor's Advisory Council on Aging members; selection; quorum; compensation.
§ 143B-181.1 - Division of Aging ¦ creation, powers and duties.
§ 143B-181.1A - Plan for serving older adults; inventory of existing data; cooperation by State agencies.
§ 143B-181.1B - Division as clearinghouse for information; agencies to provide information.
§ 143B-181.2 - Assistant Secretary for Aging - appointment and duties.
§ 143B-181.3 - Older adults - findings; policy.
§ 143B-181.4 - Responsibility for policy.
§ 143B-181.5 - Long-term services and supports - findings.
§ 143B-181.6 - Purpose and intent.
§ 143B-181.10 - Respite care program established; eligibility; services; administration; payment rates.
§ 143B-181.15 - Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program/Office; policy.
§ 143B-181.16 - Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program/Office; definition.
§ 143B-181.17 - Office of State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program/Office; establishment.
§ 143B-181.18 - Office of State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program/State Ombudsman duties.
§ 143B-181.19 - Office of Regional Long-Term Care Ombudsman; Regional Ombudsman; duties.
§ 143B-181.20 - State/Regional Long-Term Care Ombudsman; authority to enter; cooperation of government agencies; communication with residents.
§ 143B-181.21 - State/Regional Long-Term Care Ombudsman; resolution of complaints.
§ 143B-181.22 - State/Regional Long-Term Care Ombudsman; confidentiality.
§ 143B-181.23 - State/Regional Long-Term Care Ombudsman; prohibition of retaliation.
§ 143B-181.24 - Office of State/Regional Long-Term Care Ombudsman; immunity from liability.
§ 143B-181.25 - Office of State/Regional Long-Term Care Ombudsman; penalty for willful interference.
§ 143B-181.55 - Creation, membership, meetings, organization, and adoption of measures.
§ 143B-186 through 143B-187 - Transferred to §§ 143B-414, 143B-415 by Session Laws 1977, c. 872, s. 6.
§ 143B-188 through 143B-190 - through 143B-190: Recodified as §§ 130A-131 through 130A-131.2 by Session Laws 1989, c. 727, s. 179.
§ 143B-204 through 143B-206 - through 143B-206: Recodified as §§ 130A-33.30 through 130A-33.32 by Session Laws 1989, c. 727, s. 182(a).
§ 143B-216.8 through 143B-216.9 - through 143B-216.9: Recodified as §§ 130A-33.40, 130A-33.41 by Session Laws 1989, c. 727, s. 186.
§ 143B-216.10 through 143B-216.15 - through 143B-216.15: Recodified as §§ 143B-285.10 through 143B-285.15 by Session Laws 1989, c. 727, s. 189.
§ 143B-216.20 - Recodified as G.S. 143A-48.1(a) by Session Laws 2002-126, s. 10.10D(a), effective October 1, 2002.
§ 143B-216.21 - Recodified as G.S. 143A-48.1(b) by Session Laws 2002-126, s. 10.10D(a), effective October 1, 2002.
§ 143B-216.22 - Recodified as G.S. 143A-48.1(c) by Session Laws 2002-126, s. 10.10D(a), effective October 1, 2002.
§ 143B-216.23 - Recodified as G.S. 143A-48.1(d) by Session Laws 2002-126, s. 10.10D(a), effective October 1, 2002.
§ 143B-216.30 - Definitions.
§ 143B-216.31 - Council for the Deaf and the Hard of Hearing creation and duties.
§ 143B-216.32 - Council for the Deaf and the Hard of Hearing membership; quorum; compensation.
§ 143B-216.33 - Division of Services for the Deaf and the Hard of Hearing creation, powers and duties.
§ 143B-216.34 - Division of Services for the Deaf and the Hard of Hearing - temporary loan program established.
§ 143B-216.50 - Department of Health and Human Services; office of the Internal Auditor.
§ 143B-216.51 - Department of Health and Human Services office of the Internal Auditor; Department audits.
§ 143B-216.54 - Department of Health and Human Services; Office of Program Evaluation Reporting and Accountability.
§ 143B-216.55 - Appointment, qualifications, and removal of OPERA Director.
§ 143B-216.56 - Duties of the Office of Program Evaluation Reporting and Accountability.
§ 143B-216.57 - Powers of the Office of Program Evaluation Reporting and Accountability.
§ 143B-216.60 - The Justus-Warren Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Task Force.
§ 143B-216.65 - North Carolina Brain Injury Advisory Council - creation and duties.
§ 143B-216.66 - North Carolina Brain Injury Advisory Council - membership; quorum; compensation.
§ 143B-216.70 - Office of Policy and Planning.
§ 143B-216.72A - Recodified as G.S. 143B-472.121 through 143B-472.123 by Session Laws 2009-446, s. 2(a).
§ 143B-216.72B - Recodified as G.S. 143B-472.121 through 143B-472.123 by Session Laws 2009-446, s. 2(a).
§ 143B-216.72C - Recodified as G.S. 143B-472.121 through 143B-472.123 by Session Laws 2009-446, s. 2(a).
§ 143B-216.80 - Division of Health Benefits creation and organization.
§ 143B-216.85 - (Effective January 1, 2021) Appointment; term of office; and removal of the Director of the Division of Health Benefits.