(b) "Overtime compensation" shall mean, for purposes of this section, compensation paid under any law or policy under which employees are paid at a rate greater than their standard rate for additional hours worked beyond those required, including compensation paid under section one hundred thirty-four of the civil service law and section ninety of the general municipal law.
(c) The "overtime ceiling" shall mean fifteen thousand dollars per annum on January first, two thousand ten, and shall be increased by three per cent each year thereafter, provided, however, that:
(i) for members who first become members of a public retirement system of the state on or after April first, two thousand twelve, "overtime ceiling" shall mean fifteen thousand dollars per annum on April first, two thousand twelve, and shall be increased each year thereafter by a percentage to be determined annually by reference to the consumer price index (all urban consumers, CPI-U, U.S. city average, all items, 1982-84=100), published by the United States bureau of labor statistics, for each applicable calendar year. Said percentage shall equal the annual inflation as determined from the increase in the consumer price index in the one year period ending on the December thirty-first preceding the overtime ceiling adjustment effective on the ensuing April first.
(ii) Commencing January first, two thousand eighteen, and each year thereafter, the overtime ceiling percentage shall be increased by an amount equal to the annual inflation as determined from the increase in the consumer price index in the one year period ending on the September thirtieth prior to the overtime ceiling adjustment effective on the ensuing January first.
(d) For members who first join a public retirement system of the state on or after April first, two thousand twelve, the following items shall not be included in the definition of wages: 1. wages in excess of the annual salary paid to the governor pursuant to section three of article four of the state constitution, 2. lump sum payments for deferred compensation, sick leave, accumulated vacation or other credits for time not worked, 3. any form of termination pay, 4. any additional compensation paid in anticipation of retirement, and 5. in the case of employees who receive wages from three or more employers in a twelve month period, the wages paid by the third and each additional employer. m. "New York city revised plan member" shall mean a member of the New York city employees' retirement system, the New York city teachers' retirement system or the board of education retirement system of the city of New York who becomes subject to the provisions of this article on or after April first, two thousand twelve.