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U.S. State Codes
RPT - Real Property Tax
Article 4 - Exemptions
Title 2 - Private Property
Title 2 - Private Property
420-A - Nonprofit Organizations; Mandatory Class.
420-B - Nonprofit Organizations; Permissive Class.
420-C - Exemption From Local Real Property Taxation of Certain Low Income Housing Accommodations in a City Having a Population of One Million or More.
421-A - Affordable New York Housing Program.
421-B - Exemption of Certain Private Dwellings, Multiple Dwellings and Improvements From Local Taxation; Certain Cases.
421-C - Exemption of Certain New Multiple Dwellings From Local Taxation.
421-D - Exemption of Multiple Dwellings Financed by the New York State Housing Finance Agency From Local Taxation.
421-E - Exemption of Cooperative, Condominium, Homesteading and Rental Projects From Local Taxation.
421-F - Exemption of Capital Improvements to Residential Buildings.
421-FF - Exemption of Capital Improvements to Residential Buildings in Cities With a Population Between Twenty-Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Twenty-Eight Thousand Based Upon the Two Thousand Ten Federal Census.
421-G - Exemption From Local Taxation of Certain Multiple Dwellings.
421-H - Exemption of Capital Improvements to Multiple Dwelling Buildings Within Certain Cities.
421-H*2 - Exemption of Capital Improvements to Residential Buildings.
421-I - Exemption of Capital Improvements to Multiple Dwelling Buildings Within Certain Cities.
421-I*2 - Exemption of Capital Improvements to Multiple Dwelling Buildings Within Certain Cities.
421-J - Exemption of Capital Investment in Multiple Dwelling Buildings Within Certain Cities.
421-J*2 - Exemption of Capital Improvements to Multiple Dwelling Buildings Within Certain Cities.
421-K - Exemption of Certain Multiple Dwellings.
421-L - Exemption of Capital Improvements to Residential Buildings in Certain Towns.
421-M - Exemption of Certain New or Substantially Rehabilitated Multiple Dwellings From Local Taxation.
421-N - Exemption of Capital Improvements to Multiple Dwelling Buildings Within Certain Cities.
421-O - Exemption of Capital Improvements to Multiple Dwelling Buildings Within Cert Ain Cities.
421-O*2 - Exemption of Capital Improvements to Multiple Dwelling Buildings Within Certain Cities.
422 - Not-for-Profit Housing Companies.
423 - Phase Out of Exemption for Redevelopment Company Projects Upon the Cessation of the Tax Exemption Granted Pursuant to Contract.
424 - Institute of Arts and Sciences.
425 - School Tax Relief (Star) Exemption.
425-A - Abatement of County Taxes in Special Assessing Units.
426 - Opera Houses.
427 - Performing Arts Buildings.
428 - Fraternal Organizations; Entire Net Income for Education and Relief of Members.
429 - Real Property Used for Professional Major League Sports.
430 - Interdenominational Centers.
432 - Theatrical Corporations Created by Act of Congress.
434 - Academies of Music.
436 - Officers of Religious Denominations.
438 - Trustees of a Hospital, Playground and Library; Hospital for Benefit of a City.
440 - Infant Homes.
442 - Soldiers Monument Corporations.
444 - Historical Societies.
444-A - Historical Property.
446 - Cemeteries.
450 - Agricultural Societies.
452 - Veterans Organizations.
454 - Indians.
455 - Exemption Option.
456 - Municipal Railroads.
457 - Exemption for First-Time Homebuyers of Newly Constructed Homes.
458 - Veterans.
458-A - Veterans; Alternative Exemption.
458-B - Exemption for Cold War Veterans.
458-C - Improvements to Property of Severely Injured Members of the Armed Forces of the United States.
459 - Persons Who Are Physically Disabled.
459-A - Improvements to Property Made Pursuant to the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990.
459-B - Physically Disabled Crime Victims.
459-C - Persons With Disabilities and Limited Incomes.
460 - Clergy.
462 - Religious Corporations; Property Used for Residential Purposes.
464 - Incorporated Associations of Volunteer Firefighters.
466 - Volunteer Firefighters and Fire Companies in Villages.
466-A - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain Counties.
466-B - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain Additional Counties.
466-C - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain County.
466-C*2 - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain Counties.
466-C*3 - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain County.
466-C*4 - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain County.
466-C*5 - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Exemption.
466-C*6 - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain Counties.
466-C*7 - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain County.
466-D - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain County.
466-D*2 - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain County.
466-D*3 - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers.
466-D*4 - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain Counties.
466-E - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain County.
466-E*2 - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain County.
466-E*3 - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain County.
466-E*4 - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain County.
466-F - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain County.
466-F*2 - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain County.
466-F*3 - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain Counties.
466-F*4 - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain County.
466-F*5 - Un-Remarried Spouses of Volunteer Firefighters or Volunteer Ambulance Workers Killed in the Line of Duty.
466-G - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain County.
466-G*2 - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain County.
466-H - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain County.
466-H*2 - Un-Remarried Spouses of Deceased Volunteer Firefighters or Volunteer Ambulance Workers.
466-I - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain Counties.
466-J - Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers; Certain County.
467 - Persons Sixty-Five Years of Age or Over.
467-A - Partial Tax Abatement for Residential Real Property Held in the Cooperative or Condominium Form of Ownership in a City Having a Population of One Mill
467-B - Tax Abatement for Rent-Controlled and Rent Regulated Property Occupied by Senior Citizens or Persons With Disabilities.
467-C - Exemption for Property Owned by Certain Housing Companies and Occupied by Senior Citizens or Persons With Disabilities.
467-D - Assessment Exemption for Certain Living Quarters Constructed to Be Occupied by a Senior Citizen or Disabled Individual.
467-E - Rebate for Owners or Tenant-Stockholders of One,two or Three Family Residences or Residential Property Held in the Condominium or Cooperative Form Of
467-F - Protective and Safety Devices Tax Abatement.
467-G - Rebate for Owners of Certain Real Property Seriously Damaged by the Severe Storm That Occurred on the Twenty-Ninth and Thirtieth of October, Two Thousand Twelve in a City Having a Population of One Million or More.
467-H - Partial Abatement for Certain Rebuilt Real Property Seriously Damaged by the Severe Storm That Occurred on the Twenty-Ninth and Thirtieth of October, Two Thousand Twelve in a City Having a Population of One Million or More.
467-I - Real Property Tax Abatement.
467-J - Exemption for Certain Residential Properties Located in Certain Counties.
467-K - Senior Citizen Longtime Resident Exemption.
467-K*2 - Exemption for Certain Residential Property Required to Participate in the Federal Flood Insurance Program.
468 - Fire Patrol and Salvage Corps.
469 - Assessment Exemption for Living Quarters for Parent or Grandparent.
470 - Exemption for Improvements to Real Property Meeting Certification Standards for Green Buildings.
472 - Pharmaceutical Societies.
474 - Dental Societies.
476-A - Railroad Passenger Stations.
477 - Tax Exemption for Industrial Waste Treatment Facilities.
477-A - Tax Exemption for Air Pollution Control Facilities.
478 - Tax Exemption for Off-Street Parking Facilities Providing Underground Shelters.
479 - Fallout Shelter Facilities.
480 - Forest and Reforested Lands.
480-A - Taxation of Forest Land.
481 - Taxation of Land Used for Agricultural Production.
482 - Quarantined Lands.
483 - Exemption From Taxation of Structures and Buildings Essential to the Operation of Agricultural and Horticultural Lands.
483-A - Farm Silos, Farm Feed Grain Storage Bins, Commodity Sheds, Bulk Milk Tanks and Coolers, and Manure Storage and Handling Facilities.
483-B - Historic Barns.
483-C - Temporary Greenhouses.
483-D - Farm or Food Processing Labor Camps or Commissaries.
483-E - Anaerobic Digestion Facilities.
484 - Urban Redevelopment Corporations and Companies.
485 - Nuclear Powered Electric Generating Facilities.
485-A - Residential-Commerical Urban Exemption Program.
485-B - Business Investment Exemption.
485-C - Exemption From Taxation of Real Property Used in Manufacture of Steel in Cities of Fifty Thousand or More Persons.
485-D - Water-Works Corporations.
485-E - Empire Zone Exemption.
485-F - Banking Development Districts.
485-G - Infrastructure Exemption.
485-H - Residential Investment Exemption; Certain Cities.
485-I - Residential Investment Exemption; Certain School Districts.
485-I*2 - Residential Investment Exemption; Certain Cities.
485-J - Residential Property Improvement Exemption; Certain Cities.
485-J*2 - Residential Investment Exemption; Certain Cities.
485-J*3 - Residential Investment Exemption; Certain Cities and School Districts.
485-J*4 - Residential Investment Exemption; Certain Cities.
485-J*5 - Residential Investment Exemption; Certain Cities.
485-K - Residential Investment Exemption; Certain School Districts.
485-L - Residential Property Improvement; Certain Towns.
485-L*2 - Residential Investment Exemption; Certain School Districts.
485-M - Residential Investment Exemption; Certain School Districts.
485-N - Residential-Commercial Exemption Program.
485-O - New Residential Property Exemption; Certain Cities.
485-P - Economic Transformation Area Exemption.
485-Q - Residential Investment Exemption; Certain Cities.
485-R - Residential Redevelopment Inhibited Property Exemption; Certain Cities.
485-S - Residential Reassessment Exemption.
485-S*2 - Residential Reassessment Exemption.
485-S*3 - Mixed Use Exemption Program for Villages.
485-T - Owner Occupied Residential Property Exemption Program.
485-U - Class One Reassessment Exemption.
486 - Non-Profit Medical and Dental Indemnity, or Hospital Service Corporations.
486-A - Non-Profit Corporations Operating as Health Maintenance Organizations.
487 - Exemption From Taxation for Certain Energy Systems.
487-A - Exemption From Taxation of Conservation Improvements to Certain Residential Premises.
488 - Retirement Systems.
488-A - Rehabilitation of Certain Class B Multiple Dwellings and Class a Multiple Dwellings Used for Single Room Occupancy.
489 - Exemption From Taxation of Alterations and Improvements to Multiple Dwellings to Eliminate Fire and Health Hazards; Abatement.