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LFN - Local Finance
Article 2 - Local Indebted...
Title 9 - Procedures Relating to the Ascertain...
Title 9 - Procedures Relating to the Ascertainment of Amounts to Be Included or Excluded in Ascertaining Debt-Contracting Power
120.00 - Indebtedness of Certain District Corporations; Amount Thereof Included as Indebtedness of Municipalities.
121.00 - Indebtedness of School Districts Merged With or Annexed to a School District in a City; Amount Thereof to Be Included as Indebtedness of Such School D
121.10 - Indebtedness of School Districts Merged With or Annexed to a School District Outside of a City.
121.20 - Exclusion of Certain Indebtedness of School Districts Other Than School Districts in a City in Ascertaining Their Power to Contract Indebtedness.
121.30 - Exclusion of Certain Indebtedness of School Districts Other Than School Districts in a City.
122.00 - Pay-as-You-Go Financing by the City of New York; Ascertainment of Indebtedness Arising Therefrom.
123.00 - Exclusion of Self-Liquidating Indebtedness in Ascertaining the Power of a Municipality to Contract Indebtedness.
124.00 - Bonds for Pensions; Ascertainment of Amount Thereof to Be Excluded.
124.10 - Exclusion of Certain Indebtedness for Sewage Facilities in Ascertaining the Power of a Municipality to Contract Indebtedness.
125.00 - Exclusion of Indebtedness for Self-Liquidating Dock and Transit Facilities; New York City.
126.00 - Exclusion of Certain Indebtedness for School Purposes; New York City.