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EPT - Estates, Powers and T...
Article 6 - Classification...
Part 4 - Estates Defined
Part 4 - Estates Defined
6-4.1 - Definition of an Estate in Possession
6-4.2 - Definition of a Future Estate
6-4.3 - Definition of a Remainder
6-4.4 - Definition of a Reversion
6-4.5 - Definition of a Possibility of Reverter
6-4.6 - Definition of a Right of Reacquisition
6-4.7 - Definition of a Future Estate Indefeasibly Vested
6-4.8 - Definition of a Future Estate Vested Subject to Open
6-4.9 - Definition of a Future Estate Vested Subject to Complete Defeasance
6-4.10 - Definition of a Future Estate Subject to a Condition Precedent