(i) "Credit card" means any credit card, credit plate, charge plate, courtesy card, debit card or other identification card or device issued by a person to another person which may be used to obtain a cash advance or a loan or credit, or to purchase or lease property or services on the credit of the person issuing the credit card or a person who has agreed with the issuer to pay obligations arising from the use of a credit card issued to another person.
(ii) "Financing agency" means any agency defined as such in subdivision eighteen of section four hundred one of the personal property law;
(iii) "Person" means an individual, partnership, corporation or any other legal or commercial entity. 5. School days spent in legal employment by pupils enrolled in approved career cooperative education programs who are in part-time school attendance shall be included in the average daily attendance and average daily membership for apportionment of state aid under provisions of section thirty-six hundred two of this chapter.