Upon the execution, issuance and delivery of such bonds, the president and secretary of the board of directors of any such irrigation district shall, forthwith, compile a statement in detail showing the amount of such issue, the rate of interest, the respective dates of maturity and interest payment dates; and if registered, the name or names of the registered owner or owners of said bonds, certifying to the same under their hands and the official seal of the district. Said certified statement shall thereupon be delivered to the county assessor of the county where such district is located, and if such district be located in more than one county, to the county assessor of each county where any part thereof is located. Thereafter it shall be the duty of said county assessor or county assessors, as and when they prepare the assessment rolls for each succeeding year thereafter, to include an ad valorem tax upon all of the real estate located within said irrigation district, in his county, in an amount sufficient to pay and retire the interest coupons and principal of said bonds, as and when they mature, according to the schedule so furnished by the president and secretary of said district, and it shall further be the duty of the board of county commissioners of said county or counties, as and when it makes it [its] levy for state and county taxes for each succeeding year, to make a levy upon all of the real estate within said district and in their respective counties, upon an ad valorem basis, in an amount sufficient to pay and retire the interest coupons and principal of said bonds, as and when they mature, said assessments and levies to be made in the same manner as taxes for general county and state purposes are levied, as provided by law; it being the intention hereby to place the duty and responsibility of making such assessment and levy upon said district lands for bond and coupon retirement requirements upon the county assessor and county commissioners, after the certified lists of bonds issued have been furnished by the president and secretary, as herein required.
History: C.S. 1929, § 73-217b, enacted by Laws 1934 (S.S.), ch. 8, § 5; 1941 Comp., § 77-2119; 1953 Comp., § 75-22-19.
Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. and C.J.S. references. — 45 Am. Jur. 2d Irrigation §§ 67 to 69.
94 C.J.S. Waters § 345.