18A:22-31. Determination of amounts by board of school estimate
In any district in which the amounts to be raised, levied and collected by taxes for school purposes are fixed and determined by a board of school estimate, the secretary of the board of education shall certify the amounts so estimated to be necessary for said purposes, itemizing the same so as to make the same readily understandable, to each member of the board of school estimate of the district and said board of school estimate shall meet within seven days after the delivery of said certificates and by a recorded roll call majority vote of its full membership, shall fix and determine the amounts necessary to be raised for said purposes, and the secretary of said board shall certify, within five days, said amounts to the board of education, to the board or body of each municipality situate within the district which has power to make appropriations of money to be raised by taxes in such municipality, to the county board of taxation and to the county superintendent of schools.
L.1967, c.271.