85-917. Legislative intent.
The Legislature hereby declares that it is the intent and purpose of sections 85-194, 85-308, 85-606.01, 85-917 to 85-966, and 85-1511 to provide statements of role and mission for the state's systems and institutions of postsecondary education which will:
(1) Provide for a coordinated state system of postsecondary education;
(2) Provide for the maintenance and development of quality postsecondary educational programs and services for all citizens in all regions of the state;
(3) Insure student and community access to comprehensive educational programs;
(4) Limit unnecessary program and facility duplication through a coordinated planning and review process;
(5) Encourage statewide long-term academic and fiscal planning for postsecondary education in the state;
(6) Establish a legislative review process to insure that (a) role and mission statements are updated as necessary and (b) postsecondary institutions are complying with role and mission assignments and are serving a valuable purpose to the state within their current role and mission assignments; and
(7) Provide a mechanism for (a) implementing an extensive change in the scope, role, and mission of a campus, (b) closing a campus, (c) merging campuses, and (d) changing a campus to serve a completely different public purpose.