43-104.19. Child born out of wedlock; guardian ad litem for biological father; duties.
The guardian ad litem for the biological father shall:
(1) Identify the biological father whenever possible;
(2) Notify the biological father or possible biological fathers of the proposed relinquishment of the child and inform the biological father or possible biological fathers of their parental rights and duties with regard to the child;
(3) Notify the court if all reasonable attempts to both identify and notify the biological father or possible biological fathers are unsuccessful; and
(4) Determine, by deposition, by affidavit, by interview, or through testimony at a hearing, the following: Whether the mother was married at the time of conception of the child or at any time thereafter, whether the mother was cohabitating with a man at the time of conception or birth of the child, whether the mother has received support payments or promises of support with respect to the child or in connection with her pregnancy, whether conception was the result of sexual assault or incest, and whether any man has formally or informally acknowledged or declared his possible paternity of the child.