2-3985. Udders; teats of dairy animals; milk stools; antikickers; surcingles; drugs; requirements.
All facilities producing milk for manufacturing purposes shall meet the following requirements:
(1) The udders and teats of all dairy animals shall be washed or wiped immediately before milking with a clean damp cloth or paper towel moistened with a sanitizing solution and wiped dry or by any other sanitary method. The milker's clothing shall be clean and his or her hands clean and dry. Dairy animals treated with drugs shall be milked last and the milk excluded from the supply for such period of time as is necessary to have the milk free from drug residues;
(2) Milk stools, antikickers, and surcingles shall be kept clean and properly stored. Dusty hay shall not be fed in the milking facility immediately before milking. Strong flavored feeds should not be fed before milking; and
(3) Drugs shall be stored in such manner that they cannot contaminate the milk or dairy products or milk contact areas. Unapproved or improperly labeled drugs shall not be used to treat dairy animals and shall not be stored in the barn or milking facility. Drugs intended for the treatment of nonlactating dairy animals shall be segregated from drugs used for lactating dairy animals. All drugs shall be properly labeled to include:
(a) The name and address of the manufacturer or distributor for drugs or veterinary practitioners dispensing the product for prescription and extra-labeling-use drugs;
(b) The established name of the active ingredient, or if formulated from more than one ingredient, the established name of each ingredient;
(c) Directions for use, including the class or species or identification of the animals, and the dosage, frequency, route of administration, and duration of therapy;
(d) Any cautionary statements; and
(e) The specified withdrawal or discard time for meat, milk, eggs, or any food which might be derived from the treated animal.