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U.S. State Codes
Title 87. Fish and Wildlife
Chapter 4. Commercial Activ...
Part 6. Fish Ponds, Seining, and Commercial Tak...
Part 6. Fish Ponds, Seining, and Commercial Taking of Aquatic Fish Food Organisms
87-4-601. Sale of fish or spawn
87-4-602. Seining licenses
87-4-603. Fish pond license for private fish pond -- records
87-4-604. Repealed
87-4-605. Records and report of whitefish sales by fishing license holders
87-4-606. Term of fish pond license -- fees -- site inspections -- license not transferable -- exception for transfer
87-4-607. Revocation of fish pond license
87-4-608. Repealed
87-4-609. Regulation of commercial taking of fish or aquatic organisms -- permit -- rulemaking authority
87-4-610. Fees for commercial taking of fish or aquatic organisms -- use of fees