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U.S. State Codes
Title 82. Minerals, Oil, an...
Chapter 4. Reclamation
Part 4. Opencut Mining Reclamation
Part 4. Opencut Mining Reclamation
82-4-401. Short title
82-4-402. Intent, findings, and policy
82-4-403. Definitions
82-4-404. Exemption -- operations covered by metal mine reclamation
82-4-405. Inapplicability to government
82-4-406. Exemption -- opencut operations on federal and state lands
82-4-407. through 82-4-420 reserved
82-4-421. Repealed
82-4-422. Powers, duties, and functions
82-4-423. Repealed
82-4-424. Receipt and expenditure of funds -- disposition of penalties and other money
82-4-425. Inspection of opencut operations
82-4-426. Reclamation of land on which bond forfeited
82-4-427. Hearing -- appeal -- venue
82-4-428. through 82-4-430 reserved
82-4-431. Permit for mining, processing, and reclamation required
82-4-432. Application for permit -- contents -- issuance -- amendment
82-4-433. Bond
82-4-434. Plan of operation -- requirements
82-4-435. Repealed
82-4-436. Plan amendments by department
82-4-437. Annual report -- fees
82-4-438. Opencut fund -- use of fund
82-4-439. Extended review -- criteria -- timeframes
82-4-440. Limited borrow operations -- notice -- limitations -- rulemaking -- definition
82-4-441. Administrative and judicial penalties -- enforcement
82-4-442. Suspension and revocation orders
82-4-443. and 82-4-444 reserved
82-4-445. Reclamation of abandoned mine sites
82-4-446. Filing of lien for abandoned mine reclamation project