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U.S. State Codes
Title 80. Agriculture
Chapter 7. Disease, Pest, a...
Part 10. Aquatic Invasive Species
Part 10. Aquatic Invasive Species
80-7-1001. Short title
80-7-1002. Legislative findings and purpose
80-7-1003. Definitions
80-7-1004. Invasive species account
80-7-1005. Cooperative agreement for invasive species detection and control
80-7-1006. Departmental responsibilities -- reporting
80-7-1007. Rulemaking authority
80-7-1008. Invasive species management area -- authorization
80-7-1009. Arrangements with landowners
80-7-1010. Invasive species management area -- regulation
80-7-1011. Check stations
80-7-1012. Invasive species possession and transfer prohibited -- exceptions
80-7-1013. Emergency response
80-7-1014. Penalty
80-7-1015. Statewide invasive species management area
80-7-1016. Invasive species trust fund
80-7-1017. Invasive species grant account
80-7-1018. Invasive species grant program -- criteria -- rulemaking
80-7-1019. Enforcement
80-7-1020. through 80-7-1024 reserved
80-7-1025. Missouri River containment and quarantine program
80-7-1026. Upper Columbia conservation commission -- purpose and duties
80-7-1027. Terminated
80-7-1028. and 80-7-1029 reserved
80-7-1030. Mandatory decontamination for vessels with ballast or bladders -- legislative finding -- fees