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U.S. State Codes
Title 80. Agriculture
Chapter 6. Apiculture
Part 11. Alfalfa Leaf-Cutting Bees
Part 11. Alfalfa Leaf-Cutting Bees
80-6-1101. Short title
80-6-1102. Definitions
80-6-1103. Committee responsibilities -- adoption of rules
80-6-1104. Advisory duty of committee
80-6-1105. Alfalfa leaf-cutting bees -- certification
80-6-1106. Bee laboratory authorized
80-6-1107. Restrictions on importing bees
80-6-1108. Restrictions on rearing, moving, and trapping of bees and movement of equipment
80-6-1109. Fees to be set by rule -- account established
80-6-1110. Violation -- penalty
80-6-1111. Alfalfa leaf-cutting bees -- registration
80-6-1112. Funding limitation
80-6-1113. Repealed
80-6-1114. Repealed
80-6-1115. Repealed