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U.S. State Codes
Title 76. Land Resources an...
Chapter 22. Sage Grouse Hab...
Part 1. Montana Greater Sage-Grouse Stewardship...
Part 1. Montana Greater Sage-Grouse Stewardship Act
76-22-101. Short title
76-22-102. Legislative findings and purpose
76-22-103. Definitions
76-22-104. Montana sage grouse oversight team -- rulemaking
76-22-105. Montana sage grouse oversight team -- duties -- powers
76-22-106. through 76-22-108 reserved
76-22-109. Sage grouse stewardship account
76-22-110. Grants -- eligibility
76-22-111. Compensatory mitigation -- findings
76-22-112. Leases and conservation easements
76-22-113. Real property
76-22-114. Application to mineral estates
76-22-115. Existing land uses and activities exempt
76-22-116. Compensatory mitigation reduction or waiver
76-22-117. Operations and maintenance exempt
76-22-118. Reporting