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U.S. State Codes
Title 76. Land Resources an...
Chapter 16. Grazing Districts
Part 3. Organization, Administration, and Opera...
Part 3. Organization, Administration, and Operation
76-16-301. Powers and duties of directors
76-16-302. Membership in state district
76-16-303. Voting rights
76-16-304. Effect of transfer of land
76-16-305. Acquisition and disposal of property
76-16-306. Management of grazing lands
76-16-307. Leasing of state lands
76-16-308. Regulation of stock grazing in state district
76-16-309. Knowledge of state district boundaries responsibility of livestock owner
76-16-310. Permit required to run livestock in state district
76-16-311. Control of trespassing livestock
76-16-312. Impoundment of trespassing livestock
76-16-313. Release of livestock
76-16-314. Recovery of excess charge for damages
76-16-315. Procedure upon inability to locate person responsible for trespassing livestock
76-16-316. Sale of trespassing livestock
76-16-317. Disposition of sale proceeds
76-16-318. Unlawful recovery of trespassing livestock
76-16-319. No liability for official acts
76-16-320. Maintenance of fences
76-16-321. Construction of trespass and fence provisions
76-16-322. Fence-out requirement
76-16-323. State district finances
76-16-324. Lawsuits involving district
76-16-325. Compliance with commission orders required