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U.S. State Codes
Title 7. Local Government
Chapter 6. Financial Admini...
Part 15. Resort Tax
Part 15. Resort Tax
7-6-1501. Definitions
7-6-1502. Resort community taxing authority -- specific delegation
7-6-1503. Limit on resort tax rate -- goods and services subject to tax
7-6-1504. Resort tax -- election required -- procedure -- notice
7-6-1505. Resort tax administration
7-6-1506. Use of resort community tax revenue -- bond issue -- pledge
7-6-1507. Resort community tax -- property tax relief
7-6-1508. Establishment of resort area -- taxing authority -- approval by qualified electorate
7-6-1509. Use of resort area tax
7-6-1510. through 7-6-1530 reserved
7-6-1531. Repealed
7-6-1532. Resort area district authorized
7-6-1533. Petition to create resort area district
7-6-1534. Resort area district -- notice of petition -- hearing required
7-6-1535. Resort area district -- hearing on petition
7-6-1536. Resort area district -- election required -- notice
7-6-1537. Repealed
7-6-1538. Repealed
7-6-1539. Resolution creating resort area district upon favorable vote
7-6-1540. Resort area district -- certificate of incorporation from secretary of state
7-6-1541. General powers of resort area district
7-6-1542. Resort area district board powers related to resort tax revenue -- bonds -- election -- restrictions
7-6-1543. Resort area district governed by board -- composition -- qualifications -- term of office
7-6-1544. Resort area district board election
7-6-1545. Repealed
7-6-1546. Resort area district board -- vacancy
7-6-1547. Resort area district board -- meetings
7-6-1548. Referendum to dissolve resort area district
7-6-1549. Repealed
7-6-1550. Resolution dissolving resort area district upon favorable vote
7-6-1551. Annexation of property into resort area district -- election