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U.S. State Codes
Title 7. Local Government
Chapter 32. Law Enforcement
Part 41. Municipal Police Force
Part 41. Municipal Police Force
7-32-4101. Police department authorized and required
7-32-4102. Applicability of part
7-32-4103. Supervision of police department
7-32-4104. Additional regulations by city council
7-32-4105. Duties of chief of police
7-32-4106. List of active and eligible police officers
7-32-4107. Utilization of retired officers
7-32-4108. Appointment to police force
7-32-4109. Temporary employment for persons doing police work
7-32-4110. Procedure for reinstatement on police force
7-32-4111. Examination of applicants for position on police force
7-32-4112. Qualifications of police officers
7-32-4113. Probationary period and confirmation of appointment
7-32-4114. Restrictions on activities of police officers
7-32-4115. Exemptions of members of police force
7-32-4116. Minimum wage of police in first- and second-class cities
7-32-4117. Group insurance for police officers -- funding
7-32-4118. Work period -- days off duty without loss of compensation
7-32-4119. Overtime compensation
7-32-4120. Expenditure of state payments by municipality not having police retirement system -- annual report
7-32-4121. Action to recover salary
7-32-4122. Contributions for group life insurance and representation
7-32-4123. Nonparticipation
7-32-4124. through 7-32-4130 reserved
7-32-4131. Compensation and allowance for sick or injured police officers
7-32-4132. Payment of partial salary amount of officer injured in performance of duty
7-32-4133. Repealed
7-32-4134. Repealed
7-32-4135. Discontinuation of salary when retirement allowance granted
7-32-4136. Assignment to light duty or another agency
7-32-4137. Effect on probationary status
7-32-4138. Subrogation
7-32-4139. Repealed
7-32-4140. through 7-32-4150 reserved
7-32-4151. Police commission required in all cities and some towns
7-32-4152. Term and compensation of members of police commission
7-32-4153. Meaning of word mayor
7-32-4154. Role of police commission in examination of applicants for police force
7-32-4155. Role of police commission in hearing and deciding appeals brought by police officers
7-32-4156. Appeals to be in writing
7-32-4157. Rights of police officer
7-32-4158. Police commission hearings open to public
7-32-4159. Subpoena authority of police commission
7-32-4160. Decision by police commission
7-32-4161. Enforcement of decision
7-32-4162. Repealed
7-32-4163. Repealed
7-32-4164. Right to appeal