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U.S. State Codes
Title 7. Local Government
Chapter 16. Culture, Social...
Part 23. County Board of Park Commissioners
Part 23. County Board of Park Commissioners
7-16-2301. Authorization for county board of park commissioners
7-16-2302. Repealed
7-16-2303. Repealed
7-16-2304. Repealed
7-16-2305. Repealed
7-16-2306. Repealed
7-16-2307. Repealed
7-16-2308. Repealed
7-16-2309. Repealed
7-16-2310. Repealed
7-16-2311. Repealed
7-16-2312. County park superintendent
7-16-2313. Repealed
7-16-2314. Control of conflict of interest and nepotism
7-16-2315. through 7-16-2320 reserved
7-16-2321. Repealed
7-16-2322. Rules and ordinances to implement part
7-16-2323. Leasing of county land for nonpark purposes
7-16-2324. Sale, lease, or exchange of dedicated park lands
7-16-2325. Power of park board to employ persons and to make contracts
7-16-2326. Discrimination in employment prohibited
7-16-2327. Indebtedness for park purposes
7-16-2328. Park fund to be maintained
7-16-2329. Limitation on incurred liability
7-16-2330. Allowance of claims
7-16-2331. Disbursement of money
7-16-2332. Acceptance of federal aid authorized