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U.S. State Codes
Title 53. Social Services a...
Chapter 7. Vocational Rehab...
Part 3. Vocational Rehabilitation of the Blind
Part 3. Vocational Rehabilitation of the Blind
53-7-301. Definitions
53-7-302. Administration
53-7-303. Cooperation with federal government
53-7-304. Repealed
53-7-305. Repealed
53-7-306. Eligibility for services
53-7-307. Repealed
53-7-308. Repealed
53-7-309. Repealed
53-7-310. Provision of services -- financial responsibility for services
53-7-311. through 53-7-313 reserved
53-7-314. Hearings
53-7-315. Rulemaking authority