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U.S. State Codes
Title 50. Health and Safety
Chapter 50. Retail Food Est...
Part 1. General Provisions
Part 1. General Provisions
50-50-101. Purpose of regulation
50-50-102. Definitions
50-50-103. Department authorized to adopt rules -- advisory council
50-50-104. Cooperative agreements authorized
50-50-105. Diseased person not to handle food
50-50-106. Injunctions
50-50-107. County attorney to prosecute violations
50-50-108. Violation -- misdemeanor
50-50-109. Civil penalties -- injunctions not barred
50-50-110. Costs and expenses -- recovery by department or county
50-50-111. through 50-50-115 reserved
50-50-116. Conditions for cottage food operation exemption from licensure and routine facility inspection
50-50-117. Registration of cottage food operations -- fee
50-50-118. and 50-50-119 reserved
50-50-120. Temporary food establishment requirements
50-50-121. Requirements for farmer's markets
50-50-122. through 50-50-125 reserved
50-50-126. Nonprofit retail food establishments authorized to serve wild game and fish meat -- rulemaking -- definitions