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U.S. State Codes
Title 50. Health and Safety
Chapter 18. Sexually Transm...
Part 1. General Provisions
Part 1. General Provisions
50-18-101. Sexually transmitted diseases defined
50-18-102. Powers and duties of department
50-18-103. Cooperation with federal agencies -- federal funds
50-18-104. Serological test for syphilis
50-18-105. Rules of department binding
50-18-106. Duty to report cases
50-18-107. Powers and duties of health officers
50-18-108. Examination and treatment of prisoners
50-18-109. Permissible release of information concerning infected persons
50-18-110. Unlawful dispensing of drugs for cure or alleviation of sexually transmitted disease
50-18-111. Certificate of freedom from sexually transmitted disease not to be issued
50-18-112. Infected person not to expose another to sexually transmitted disease
50-18-113. Violation a misdemeanor