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U.S. State Codes
Title 30. Trade and Commerce
Chapter 3. Uniform Commerci...
Part 1. Short Title, Form, and Interpretation
Part 1. Short Title, Form, and Interpretation
30-3-101. Short title
30-3-102. Definitions
30-3-103. Repealed
30-3-104. Negotiable instrument
30-3-105. Unconditional promise or order
30-3-106. Repealed
30-3-107. Instrument payable in foreign money
30-3-108. Payable on demand
30-3-109. Definite time
30-3-110. Repealed
30-3-111. Payable to bearer or to order
30-3-112. Repealed
30-3-113. Repealed
30-3-114. Date of instrument
30-3-115. Incomplete instrument
30-3-116. Repealed
30-3-117. Repealed
30-3-118. Repealed
30-3-119. Other agreements affecting instrument
30-3-120. Repealed
30-3-121. Repealed
30-3-122. Statute of limitations
30-3-123. Repealed
30-3-124. Subject matter
30-3-125. Issue of instrument
30-3-126. Identification of person to whom instrument is payable
30-3-127. Place of payment
30-3-128. Interest
30-3-129. Contradictory terms of instrument
30-3-130. Joint and several liability -- contribution
30-3-131. Notice of right to defend action