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U.S. State Codes
Title 20. Education
Chapter 10. Transportation ...
Part 1. School Buses and Transportation
Part 1. School Buses and Transportation
20-10-101. Definitions
20-10-102. School bus requirements
20-10-103. School bus driver qualifications
20-10-104. Penalty for violating law or rules
20-10-105. Determination of residence
20-10-106. Determination of mileage distances
20-10-107. Power of trustees
20-10-108. Two-way radio operation
20-10-109. Liability insurance for school bus
20-10-110. School bus purchase -- contract -- bids
20-10-111. Duties of board of public education
20-10-112. Duties of superintendent of public instruction
20-10-113. through 20-10-120 reserved
20-10-121. Duty of trustees to provide transportation -- types of transportation -- bus riding time limitation
20-10-122. Discretionary provision of transportation and payment for this transportation
20-10-123. Provision of transportation for nonpublic school children
20-10-124. Private party contract for transportation -- individual transportation contract
20-10-125. Bid letting for contract bus -- payments under transportation contract
20-10-126. Establishment of transportation service areas
20-10-127. Repealed
20-10-128. Repealed
20-10-129. and 20-10-130 reserved
20-10-131. County transportation committee membership
20-10-132. Duties of county transportation committee
20-10-133. through 20-10-140 reserved
20-10-141. Schedule of maximum reimbursement by mileage rates
20-10-142. Schedule of maximum reimbursement for individual transportation
20-10-143. Budgeting for transportation and transmittal of transportation contracts
20-10-144. Computation of revenue and net tax levy requirements for district transportation fund budget
20-10-145. State transportation reimbursement
20-10-146. County transportation reimbursement
20-10-147. Bus depreciation reserve fund
20-10-148. Cost-effectiveness analysis required before purchase of small school bus