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U.S. State Codes
Title 17. State Finance
Chapter 7. Budgeting and Ap...
Part 3. Supplemental Appropriations, Encumbranc...
Part 3. Supplemental Appropriations, Encumbrances, and Reversions
17-7-301. Authorization to expend during first year of biennium from appropriation for second year -- proposed supplemental appropriation defined -- limit on second-year expenditures
17-7-302. Encumbrance of fiscal yearend obligations
17-7-303. Reappropriation of encumbered obligations at end of each fiscal year
17-7-304. Disposal of unexpended appropriations
17-7-305. Supplemental appropriations for legislative agencies
17-7-306. through 17-7-310 reserved
17-7-311. Proposed fiscal year transfer supplemental appropriation -- procedure