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U.S. State Codes
Title 16. Alcohol and Tobacco
Chapter 6. Enforcement
Part 3. Miscellaneous Prohibitions and Penalties
Part 3. Miscellaneous Prohibitions and Penalties
16-6-301. Transfer, sale, and possession of alcoholic beverages -- when unlawful
16-6-302. Sale of alcoholic beverage without license -- sale or importation in violation of code -- penalty
16-6-303. Sale of liquor not purchased from agency liquor store forbidden -- penalty
16-6-304. Providing alcoholic beverage to intoxicated person prohibited
16-6-305. Age limit for sale or provision of alcoholic beverages -- liability of provider
16-6-306. Bottle clubs prohibited
16-6-307. Consumption of alcoholic beverage on druggists' premises prohibited
16-6-308. Patent medicine prohibition
16-6-309. Alcoholic beverages administered to institution inmates
16-6-310. Officer or agent of corporation deemed party to offense
16-6-311. Occupant of premises deemed party to offense
16-6-312. Premises where alcoholic beverages illegally sold -- public nuisance
16-6-313. Injunction actions
16-6-314. Penalty for violating code -- revocation of license -- penalty for violation by underage person