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U.S. State Codes
Title 16. Alcohol and Tobacco
Chapter 4. License Administ...
Part 4. Licensing Criteria
Part 4. Licensing Criteria
16-4-401. License as privilege -- criteria for decision on application
16-4-402. Application -- investigation
16-4-403. Repealed
16-4-404. Protest period -- contents of license -- posting -- privilege -- transfer
16-4-405. Denial of license
16-4-406. Renewal -- suspension or revocation -- penalty -- mitigating and aggravating circumstances
16-4-407. Suspension or revocation of licenses
16-4-408. Renewal of suspended licenses
16-4-409. Repealed
16-4-410. Repealed
16-4-411. Appeals concerning alcoholic beverages laws
16-4-412. Limits on concurrent applications
16-4-413. Denial of application -- five-year moratorium
16-4-414. Fingerprints required of applicants -- exceptions
16-4-415. Changes in business entity ownership -- department approval required
16-4-416. Ownership of liquor license by United States
16-4-417. Approval of a licensee without premises
16-4-418. Concession agreements
16-4-419. reserved
16-4-420. Restaurant beer and wine license -- competitive bidding -- rulemaking
16-4-421. Denial of restaurant beer and wine license
16-4-422. Sale of beer and wine prohibited during certain hours
16-4-423. Restaurant beer and wine license -- prohibited practices
16-4-430. Competitive bidding process -- all-beverages, retail beer and wine, and restaurant beer and wine licenses