Effective 28 Aug 2004
456.001. Bequests or transfer to spouse, valuation of. — 1. If an instrument providing for a pecuniary bequest or transfer to or for the benefit of the spouse of the testator or transferor requires or permits the satisfaction of such bequest or transfer wholly or partly by the distribution of property valued at some date or on some basis other than its fair market value at the time of distribution, and does not require that such bequest or transfer be satisfied by the distribution of assets, including cash, having an aggregate fair market value on the date or dates of distribution amounting to no less than the amount of such bequest or transfer, then in such case, the provisions of the instrument notwithstanding, any property distributed in satisfaction of such bequest or transfer shall have an aggregate fair market value on the date of distribution fairly reflecting the distributee's proportionate share of the appreciation or depreciation in value to the date of distribution of all property then available for distribution.
2. If, in any instrument which provides for a pecuniary bequest or transfer, the personal representative or trustee is empowered to satisfy such bequest or transfer by distribution of property in kind, and the instrument is silent as to the value to be given to property distributed in kind, any property distributed in satisfaction of the bequest or transfer shall be valued at the fair market value thereof on the date of distribution.
3. The phrase "pecuniary bequest or transfer", as used in this section, means a bequest or transfer either in a stated amount or in an amount determined by the use of a formula.
4. This section shall be effective with respect to wills and revocable inter vivos trusts executed or created before or after October 13, 1969, by persons who die on or after said date, and to irrevocable inter vivos trusts which are created on or after October 13, 1969.
(L. 1969 S.B. 90 §§ 1, 2, 3, A.L. 2004 H.B. 1511)
Transferred 2004; formerly 456.015