Effective 28 Aug 2011
260.372. Powers and duties of commission. — 1. The Missouri hazardous waste management commission within the Missouri department of natural resources is hereby given the authority to aid in the promotion of hazardous waste recycling, reuse, or reduction by entering into contracts, subject to appropriations, for the development and implementation of projects dealing with said uses of hazardous wastes or the purchase and development of machinery, equipment, appliances, devices, and supplies solely required to develop and operate hazardous waste recycling, reuse, and reduction projects.
2. The hazardous waste management commission within the Missouri department of natural resources shall promulgate rules and regulations to establish or participate in one or more regional waste exchange clearing houses where generators of wastes may list those wastes that have market value or other use.
3. The hazardous waste management commission within the Missouri department of natural resources shall act in an advisory capacity to Missouri's member on the midwest low-level radioactive waste compact commission, review activities of the midwest low-level radioactive waste compact commission and midwest interstate radioactive waste compact states, and present recommendations in writing to the governor and the general assembly as requested or as necessary to insure adequate exchange of information.
(L. 1980 2d Ex. Sess. H.B. 5, et al., A.L. 2011 H.B. 464)