Effective 28 Aug 1975
253.370. Thomas Hart Benton homestead memorial. — 1. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 48 of Article III of the Constitution of the State of Missouri, the department of natural resources is hereby authorized to acquire by purchase, from funds appropriated or otherwise available to that department, the Thomas Hart Benton homestead located at 3616 Belleview, Kansas City, Missouri, for the establishment of a suitable state memorial to Thomas Hart Benton to be operated and maintained by the division of state parks and recreation of that department.
2. In acquiring this homestead, which may include both real and personal property, the department may grant a life estate or similar interest therein to Mrs. Benton, but it shall make adequate provisions for the proper care, maintenance and safekeeping of the property to the end that the homestead will truly become a living memorial to this native Missourian as it is used and enjoyed by all the citizens of this state.
3. The attorney general shall approve the form of the instrument of conveyance.
(L. 1975 S.B. 430 § 1)