Effective 28 Aug 1939
236.070. Duty of sheriff in executing writ. — The sheriff shall attend the jury on the day and at the place appointed, and upon full examination, inquire by such jury:
(1) What damage each proprietor will sustain by reason of inundation consequent upon the erection of the dam, as proposed;
(2) Whether the mansion house of any such proprietor, or the outhouses, curtilages or gardens thereto immediately belonging, or orchard, will be overflowed thereby;
(3) Whether and to what extent ordinary navigation and the passage of fish will be obstructed by such erection, and whether and by what means the same may be prevented or diminished; and
(4) Whether the health of the neighborhood will be materially affected in consequence of such erection.
(RSMo 1939 § 10292)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 9163; 1919 § 7405; 1909 § 5462