Effective 28 Aug 1999
205.200. Funds from special tax levy or from operation of hospital may be used for hospital construction, maintenance and additions — publication of board's plans required, when. — 1. Except in counties operating under the charter form of government, the county commission in any county wherein a public hospital shall have been established as provided in sections 205.160 to 205.340 shall levy annually a rate of taxation on all property subject to its taxing powers in excess of the rates levied for other county purposes to defray the amount required for the maintenance and improvement of such public hospital and for constructing and furnishing necessary additions thereto, as certified to it by the board of trustees of the hospital; the tax levied for such purpose shall not be in excess of one dollar on the one hundred dollars assessed valuation. The funds arising from the tax levied for such purpose shall be used for the purpose for which the tax was levied and none other.
2. Any funds of the hospital, whether derived from the tax authorized by this section or from the operation of the hospital, and whether collected before or after October 13, 1965, may be used for constructing and furnishing necessary additions to the hospital.
3. For any ballot proposal in which the maximum levy exceeds fifty cents per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation, the board of trustees shall publish in a newspaper or newspapers of general circulation and otherwise make available upon request a summary description of the board's plans for using the money for ongoing hospital operations.
(RSMo 1939 § 15195, A.L. 1945 p. 983, A.L. 1951 p. 776, A.L. 1965 p. 348, A.L. 1984 S.B. 576, A.L. 1999 S.B. 348)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 13978; 1919 § 12612