Effective 28 Aug 1993
192.072. Bureau of immunization to develop educational materials — contents, distribution. — 1. The bureau of immunization of the department of health and senior services shall develop educational materials which strongly recommend that infants and young children receive complete immunization vaccines in accordance with current standard medical practice, including, but not limited to, the following vaccine or series of vaccines:
(1) Haemophilus influenza type b conjugate vaccine before the age of two years;
(2) Hepatitis B vaccine in accordance with section 334.157;
(3) A tuberculin skin test.
2. Such educational materials shall be distributed to parents of infants and young children by the department of health and senior services through hospitals and city, county and district health units and by the department of elementary and secondary education through the parent education program established pursuant to sections 178.691 to 178.699. Such educational materials shall conform to the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, PL 99-660, and shall include information regarding possible risks and benefits and requirements regarding informed consent associated with childhood vaccines, which shall be provided to parents or legal guardians of the child.
(L. 1993 H.B. 522 § 2)