Effective 28 Aug 1943
84.470. Permanent police force. — To enable the board of police to perform the duties imposed upon them, they are hereby authorized and required, as speedily as may be, to provide for the appointment, enrollment and employment of a permanent police force for the respective cities for which they are appointed to serve, which they shall organize, uniform, equip and arm as they may judge necessary; subject always, however, to the standards, limitations and restrictions established and set forth in sections 84.480 to 84.620.
(RSMo 1939 § 7655, A.L. 1943 p. 727 § 7656)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 7513; 1919 § 8924; 1909 § 9776
Appointment of men and women officers, 71.200
Police to be residents of state, 85.005
Special deputies to be residents of state, 542.190