Effective 28 Aug 1939
79.150. Board to keep journal of proceedings. — The board of aldermen shall cause to be kept a journal of its proceedings, and the ayes and nays shall be entered on any question at the request of any two members. The board of aldermen may prescribe and enforce such rules as it may find necessary for the expeditious transaction of its business.
(RSMo 1939 § 7117)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 6967; 1919 § 8418; 1909 § 9320
(1954) Contract for engineering services signed by mayor and attested by clerk held invalid when not authorized by action of board of aldermen recorded in journal of proceedings of city, and money paid thereunder may be recovered by city. Fulton v. City of Lockwood (Mo.), 269 S.W.2d 1.