Effective 28 Aug 1978
78.210. Ballots — such ordinance may be repealed, how. — 1. The question shall be submitted in substantially the following form:
Shall the following ordinance be (adopted) (repealed)? (Set out ordinance)
2. If a majority of the voters voting on the proposed ordinance shall vote in favor thereof, such ordinance shall thereupon become a valid and binding ordinance of the city; and any ordinance proposed by petition, or which shall be adopted by a vote of the people, cannot be repealed or amended except by a vote of the people. Any number of proposed ordinances may be voted upon at the same election, in accordance with the provisions of this section. The council may submit a proposition for the repeal of any such ordinance or for amendments thereto, to be voted upon at any municipal election; and should such proposition so submitted receive a majority of the votes cast thereon, such ordinance shall thereby be repealed or amended accordingly.
(RSMo 1939 § 7075, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 6925; 1919 § 8392