Effective 28 Aug 1994
64.325. Land acquisition for recreation and sanitary landfills — annual tax, amount (first class noncharter counties). — The county commissions in all counties of class one not having a charter form of government may purchase at public expense out of the county treasury or may receive any gift or donation, lots, tracts and parcels of ground and lands to be used as public parks, playgrounds, camping sites, recreation purposes, and sanitary landfills. The county commissions in class one counties not having a charter form of government may acquire property for such purposes by eminent domain, and the procedure therefor shall be the same as is provided by law for condemnation for road purposes. These counties may, by appropriate order of their respective county commissions, levy an annual tax not to exceed ten cents on the one hundred dollars assessed valuation for the acquisition, planning, improvement, maintenance, operation and leasing of such parks, playgrounds, camping sites, and sanitary landfills; except that the annual tax for the acquisition, planning, improvement, maintenance, operation and leasing of parks, playgrounds and camping sites may be set at any amount approved by the qualified voters of the county in the manner prescribed by section 64.451.
(L. 1965 p. 178 § 1, A.L. 1973 S.B. 178, A.L. 1994 H.B. 1200 & 1192)