Effective 28 Aug 2013
*60.451. Missouri coordinate system zones precisely defined. — 1. For the purpose of more precisely defining the Missouri coordinate system of 1927, the following definition by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey is adopted:
(1) The Missouri coordinate system of 1927, east zone, is a transverse Mercator projection of the Clarke spheroid of 1866, having a central meridian 90 degrees — 30 minutes west of Greenwich, on which meridian the scale is set at one part in fifteen thousand too small. The origin of coordinates is at the intersection of the meridian 90 degrees — 30 minutes west of Greenwich and the parallel 35 degrees — 50 minutes north latitude. This origin is given the coordinates: x = 500,000 feet and y = 0 feet;
(2) The Missouri coordinate system of 1927, central zone, is a transverse Mercator projection of the Clarke spheroid of 1866, having a central meridian 92 degrees — 30 minutes west of Greenwich, on which meridian the scale is set at one part in fifteen thousand too small. The origin of coordinates is at the intersection of the meridian 92 degrees — 30 minutes west of Greenwich and the parallel of 35 degrees — 50 minutes north latitude. This origin is given the coordinates: x = 500,000 feet and y = 0 feet;
(3) The Missouri coordinate system of 1927, west zone, is a transverse Mercator projection of the Clarke spheroid of 1866, having a central meridian 94 degrees — 30 minutes west of Greenwich, on which meridian the scale is set at one part in seventeen thousand too small. The origin of coordinates is at the intersection of the meridian 94 degrees — 30 minutes west of Greenwich and the parallel 36 degrees — 10 minutes north latitude. This origin is given the coordinates: x = 500,000 feet and y = 0 feet.
2. For purposes of more precisely defining the Missouri coordinate system of 1983, the following definition by the National Ocean Survey/National Geodetic Survey is adopted:
(1) The Missouri coordinate system 1983, east zone, is a transverse Mercator projection of the North American Datum of 1983 having a central meridian 90 degrees — 30 minutes west of Greenwich, on which meridian the scale is set at one part in fifteen thousand too small. The origin of coordinates is at the intersection of the meridian 90 degrees — 30 minutes west of Greenwich and the parallel 35 degrees — 50 minutes north latitude. This origin is given the coordinates: x = 250,000 meters and y = 0 meters;
(2) The Missouri coordinate system 1983, central zone, is a transverse Mercator projection of the North American Datum of 1983 having a central meridian 92 degrees — 30 minutes west of Greenwich, on which meridian the scale is set at one part in fifteen thousand too small. The origin of coordinates is at the intersection of the meridian 92 degrees — 30 minutes west of Greenwich and the parallel of 35 degrees — 50 minutes north latitude. This origin is given the coordinates: x = 500,000 meters and y = 0 meters;
(3) The Missouri coordinate system 1983, west zone, is a transverse Mercator projection of the North American Datum of 1983 having a central meridian 94 degrees — 30 minutes west of Greenwich, on which meridian the scale is set at one part in seventeen thousand too small. The origin of coordinates is at the intersection of the meridian 94 degrees — 30 minutes west of Greenwich and the parallel 36 degrees — 10 minutes north latitude. This origin is given the coordinates: x = 850,000 meters and y = 0 meters.
3. The position of either Missouri coordinate system shall be as marked on the ground by horizontal control stations established in conformity with the standards adopted by the department of agriculture for first-order and second-order work, whose geodetic positions have been rigidly adjusted on the appropriate datum and whose coordinates have been computed on the system defined in this section. Any such station may be used for establishing a survey connection with the Missouri coordinate system.
(L. 1984 S.B. 479, A.L. 2013 H.B. 28 merged with H.B. 650)
Effective 8-28-13 (H.B. 28); 10-11-13 (H.B. 650)
*H.B. 650 effective 10-11-13, see § 21.250. H.B. 650 was vetoed July 12, 2013. The veto was overridden on September 11, 2013.