Effective 28 Aug 1939
54.140. County revenue to be kept separate; warrants, how paid out, violation, penalty. — It shall be the duty of the county treasurer to separate and divide the revenues of such county in his hands and as they come into his hands in compliance with the provision of law; and it shall be his duty to pay out the revenues thus subdivided, on warrants issued by order of the commission, on the respective funds so set apart and subdivided, and not otherwise; and for this purpose the treasurer shall keep a separate account with the county commission of each fund which several funds shall be known and designated as provided by law; and no warrant shall be paid out of any fund other than that upon which it has been drawn by order of the commission as aforesaid. Any county treasurer or other county officer, who shall fail or refuse to perform the duties required of him or them under the provisions of this section and chapters 136 to 154, and in the express manner provided and directed, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars, and not more than five hundred dollars, and in addition to such punishment, his office shall become vacant.
(RSMo 1939 § 11219)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 9986; 1919 § 12976; 1909 § 11528
Fees, account to be kept, 50.480, 50.490
Fees in criminal cases not to be paid to persons owing state or county, 550.270