Effective 28 Aug 1939
46.145. St. Louis, county and city. — Beginning at a point in the middle of the main channel of the Mississippi River, due east of the mouth of the Meramec River; thence due west to the middle of the main channel of the Meramec River at the mouth thereof; thence up the Meramec River, in the middle of the main channel thereof, to a point where the township line between townships forty-three and forty-four, north, crosses the same; thence west with said line to the main channel of the Meramec River, where the said township line crosses the same; thence up the Meramec River, and with the middle of the main channel thereof, to the point where the range line between ranges two and three, east, crosses the same; thence north with said range line to a point in the middle of the main channel of the Missouri River; thence down the Missouri River, in the middle of the main channel thereof, to the mouth of said river; thence down the Mississippi River, in the middle of the main channel thereof, to the place of beginning, excepting, however, all that district of country which is comprised within the corporate limits of the city of St. Louis, to wit: Beginning at a point in the middle of the main channel of the Mississippi River, and running thence westwardly at right angles to said channel to a point on the west bank of said river, two hundred feet south of the center of the mouth of the River des Peres; thence westwardly and parallel to the center of the River des Peres, and two hundred feet south thereof, to the eastern line of the Lemay Ferry Road; thence westwardly to a point in the west line of said Lemay Ferry Road at its intersection with the center of the Weber Road; thence westwardly along the center of the Weber road to its intersection of the east line of lot one of the Carondelet Commons, south of the River des Peres; thence westwardly to the southeast corner of Rudolph Overman's, or northeast corner of B. H. Haar's land; thence westwardly to said Haar's northwest corner; northwestwardly to a point in the center of the Gravois Road, six hundred feet southwardly from the center of the bridge across the River des Peres; thence northwestwardly to the southeast corner of lot thirty-one of the subdivision of the Mackenzie Tract in United States survey one thousand nine hundred and fifty-three; thence northwestwardly in continuation of said last mentioned line to the southern line of lot twenty-one of the subdivision of the said Mackenzie Tract; thence northwestwardly to a point in the southern line of United States survey two thousand and thirty-five, twenty-six chains eastward from the southwest corner of said survey; thence northerly to a point in the north line of the subdivision of East Laclede, six hundred feet west of the McCausland Road; thence northwardly and parallel to the center of the McCausland Road to a point on the Clayton Road, six hundred feet west of its intersection with the McCausland Road; thence northerly and parallel with the Skinker Road, and six hundred feet west thereof, to its intersection with the old Bonhomme Road; thence northeasterly to the intersection of the center lines of McLaren Avenue and Mead Street; thence in northeasterly direction to a point in the Bellefontaine Road, six hundred feet north of its intersection with the Columbia Bottom Road; thence northerly and parallel with the center line of the Columbia Bottom Road to the northern boundary line of United States survey numbered one hundred and fourteen; thence easterly along said line to the center of the main channel of the Mississippi River; thence with the meanderings of said channel southwardly to the point of beginning.
(RSMo 1939 § 13654)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 11995; 1919 § 9397; 1909 § 3614