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U.S. State Codes
Title 83 - Insurance
Chapter 9 - Accident, Healt...
Comprehensive Health Insurance Risk Pool Associ...
Comprehensive Health Insurance Risk Pool Association
§ 83-9-201. Short title
§ 83-9-203. Purpose
§ 83-9-205. Definitions
§ 83-9-207. Participation by insurers; availability of policies for sale
§ 83-9-209. Eligibility for coverage; maximum lifetime benefits; termination of coverage; unfair trade practice by insurers, agents or brokers, or employers
§ 83-9-211. Creation of association; membership; board of directors; adoption of plan, articles, bylaws and operating rules
§ 83-9-212. Liability of board, employees, insurers, association, etc. for obligations of association or acts or omissions; indemnification and representation of board and employees
§ 83-9-213. General powers and duties of association; liability of Commissioner of Insurance, administrator, board of directors, etc.; powers and duties of Department of Insurance
§ 83-9-214. Distribution of funds held by Comprehensive Health Insurance Risk Pool Association upon cessation of operations
§ 83-9-215. Selection of plan administrator; term, powers and duties, and compensation of administrator
§ 83-9-217. Assessments against insurers
§ 83-9-219. Insurance of plan coverage; issuance of policies
§ 83-9-221. Coverage; rates; exclusion for preexisting conditions; certain individuals excepted from exclusion; other sources primary
§ 83-9-222. Actions against association or members based upon joint or collective actions