(1) To make a broad, preliminary market study to reveal a wide range of products, both agricultural and nonagricultural, that can be manufactured in Mississippi from materials and resources available in or to Mississippi.
(2) To make detailed market studies in connection with the favorable products revealed by the preliminary study above referred to, in order to determine with reasonable certainty those products for which a profitable and growing market exists.
(3) Lay out, design and prepare plans and specifications of the plants, machinery, equipment and other facilities necessary to produce in profitable volume those products selected as a result of the detailed study authorized in the foregoing paragraph.
(4) Prepare detailed cost estimates of the necessary land, buildings, machinery, equipment and other facilities and determine the amount of investment capital required to build and equip each plant.
(5) Prepare an estimate of the number of jobs to be created by each plant designed pursuant to Sections 57-11-31 through 57-11-39, the wage scale of the employees and the annual payroll of each plant.
(6) Prepare a projected operating statement of each plant, showing the anticipated profits at the end of the first, third and fifth year of operation, based on maximum operating capacity. Prepare the same information based on the assumption that the plant will operate at minimum operating capacity. Provide the same information for such percentages of maximum operating capacity as the board may deem necessary to determine with reasonable certainty the capacity at which the plant must operate in order to show a profit and to attract investment capital. The aforesaid studies shall show the normal operating capital requirements of each plant for the first five (5) years.