(1) Except as otherwise provided for in subsection (6) of this section, the approved company may require that each employee whose gross wages are equivalent to Five Dollars ($5.00) or more per hour, as a condition of employment, agrees to pay a job development assessment fee not to exceed a certain percentage of the gross wages of each such employee whose job was created as a result of the economic development project, for the purpose of retiring the bonds which fund the economic development project or other indebtedness. The job development assessment fee shall not exceed the following percentages of the gross wages of the employee:
(a) Two percent (2%), if the gross wages of the employee are equivalent to Five Dollars ($5.00) or more per hour but less than Seven Dollars ($7.00) per hour;
(b) Four percent (4%), if the gross wages of the employee are equivalent to Seven Dollars ($7.00) or more per hour but less than Nine Dollars ($9.00) per hour; and
(c) Six percent (6%), if the gross wages of the employee are equivalent to Nine Dollars ($9.00) or more per hour.
(2) Each employee so assessed shall be entitled to credits against Mississippi income taxes as provided in Section 27-7-22.3.
(3) If an approved company shall elect to impose the assessment as a condition of employment, it shall deduct the assessment from each paycheck of each employee.
(4) Any approved company collecting an assessment as provided in subsection (1) of this section shall make its payroll books and records available to the corporation at such reasonable times as the corporation shall request and shall file with the corporation documentation respecting the assessment as the corporation may require.
(5) Any assessment of the wages of employees of an approved company in connection with their employment at an economic development project under subsection (1) of this section shall lapse on the date the bonds are retired.
(6) If an eligible company closes a facility in this state and becomes an approved company under the provisions of Sections 57-10-401 through 57-10-449, only those jobs created in excess of those that existed at the closed facility at the time of the closure shall be eligible for the imposition of the job development assessment fee. The Mississippi Business Finance Corporation shall promulgate rules and regulations to govern the determination of the number of jobs upon which the job development assessment fee may be imposed.