All tracts of lands belonging to private parties which touch upon and are adjacent to or located within the area of the present military reservation comprising the permanent National Guard camp site and firing ranges in Forrest and Perry Counties, Mississippi, known as Camp Shelby, which have been or may hereafter be forfeited to the State of Mississippi for nonpayment of taxes and are owned by the state shall be held and retained by the State of Mississippi as additions to and as a part of said Camp Shelby military reservation. No tax patents shall be issued therefor to private parties unless the Camp Shelby committee, composed of the Adjutant General of the State of Mississippi, the United States property and disbursing officer of the State of Mississippi, and the senior National Guard officer from the infantry, artillery, engineers, medical corps, and quartermaster corps, shall first certify in writing to the land commissioner of the State of Mississippi that such forfeited tax lands are not needed for said military reservation or an expansion thereof, which certificate shall be made in duplicate, the original thereof to be attached to the application for any such patents and the copy attached to and be made a part of any patent issued therefor. No forfeited tax lands shall be withheld from sale or patent by the state for a period longer than six (6) months from the date of maturity of title thereof in the State of Mississippi unless the Governor shall, by proclamation prior to the expiration of such six (6) months period, set aside and dedicate such lands as part of the Camp Shelby military reservation.